To show our support for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we will be donating 5% of all proceeds of our new 33 gallon pink trash bags to the Susan G. Komen® Breast Cancer foundation for the entire month of October.
“This is a wonderful way for a contractor, office building or small business owner to show their support in a dramatic, visual way,” explained PlasticPlace Marketing Manager, Deborah Locher.
“Using pink bags instead of the typical black or clear ones can also send a positive message to employees that your company is concerned about national health issues. Plus, it’s great PR.”
Fashion and Function
These pink trash bags not only look good, they perform good as well. We offer a 31-33 gallon size which is perfect for your 32 gallon round Brute trash can or wheeled toter. Plus, at 1.5 MIL thick, these bags are highly puncture and tear resistant and can easily hold your yard trimmings and items with rough edges or sharp corners.
Visit our pink trash bag page to start showing your support!
About National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM)
October has been recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month since 1985. The goal, as stated on the American Cancer Society’s website is to “increase awareness about the importance of the early detection of breast cancer.”
About Breast Cancer
Except for skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2007 over 200,000 women in the United States were diagnosed with breast cancer—and over 40,000 died from the disease. In 2011, the American Cancer Society estimated that there were approximately 230,000 new cases of women with breast cancer.
Pink bags are just the tip of our colored trash bag iceberg!
While, these pretty in pink trash bags can let everyone you know you support the cause, they’re just one of the many colored trash bags we offer:
Blue trash bags - These durable bags satisfy all the requirements for your city’s blue bag recycling program.
Yellow trash bags - A great way to sort trash, color code charity collection, or add that extra touch to a party.
Green trash bags - It’s easy to “go green” with these fun bags that are great for lawn and yard care, as well as everyday use.
Red trash bags - Usually used for hazardous material, these bags can be used to easily identify dangerous or harmful contents.
Orange trash bags - Add color to your garbage pile or use them for fall leaf clean up and create a curb-side jack o’ lantern!
Black trash bags - One of our best sellers, these thick contractor bags can hold up to heavy trash with ease.
Clear trash bags - Perfect for office restrooms and high traffic areas, these see-through bags are also a great choice for storage.
Visit our colored trash bag page to browse our entire inventory.
As a manufacturer of USA-made trash bags and employer of US citizens, we’re concerned with health issues affecting American people. We’re proud to join the rest of the nation in supporting National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we look forward to participating in similar events in the future.
American Cancer Society
Susan G. Komen® Breast Cancer Foundation
Center for Disease Control